Reinventing Microsoft’s Employee Experience for a Hybrid World
What can you learn from @Microsoft journey transforming employee experiences to optimize hybrid work? Read the blog to get valuable lessons learned on the importance of zero-trust security, culture and employee enablement technology. Tell us in the comments if you’d like to talk about ways to adapt Microsoft’s experience to your organization’s employee experience transformation initiatives.Read More
Cloudy with a chance of success: Moving your contact centre to the cloud
Why is now a good time to move to cloud contact centers? This blog provides an outlook on the cloud’s ability to deliver better personalized experiences faster and more cost-effectively. Read the blog to explore the opportunities.Read More
What Are the Pros and Cons of Remote Working?
What are the pros and cons of remote working? Compare your ideas 💡 with those explored in this episode of the Ripple Effect podcast. Repost to start a discussion.Read More
Announcing Public Preview of Personal Desktop Autoscale on Azure Virtual Desktop
We think making @Microsoft Azure Personal Desktop Autoscale available in public preview was a smart 🤓 move. Read this blog to learn how you can benefit from this native scaling tool in Azure Virtual Desktop.Read More
Complimentary Cloud Reliability Consultation
Understanding the reliability of your cloud infrastructure is essential to identifying opportunities, areas for improvement and risks. In addition, it can help you establish performance goals to ensure your cloud infrastructure meets the needs of users and customers. Experts in cloud infrastructure planning and implementation, TEAM Technology can help you assess the reliability of yours. Receive a Complimentary Cloud Reliability Consultation when you schedule direct.Read More
Microsoft Security
Protect your business from cyber threats with Microsoft Security for Business. Discover powerful security tools, AI-driven solutions like Security Copilot and get insights to stay ahead of the latest threats. Visit the website now to learn more! @Microsoft SecurityRead More
Measuring the value of moving to the cloud — and innovative ways to get there
What is the value of moving to the #cloud? Give us your thoughts in the comments. @Microsoft CTO top lists 5 in this blog.Read More
Microsoft 365 Copilot eases the weight of work for small and medium businesses
Discover how @Microsoft 365 Copilot enables employees at your small or medium business to experience new levels of creativity and productivity. Read the blog and reply to learn how Copilot serves as employees’ generative #AI companion so they can focus on the work that matters most.@Microsoft-365Read More
Azure Virtual Desktop Watermarking Support
What do you know about the watermarking feature in @Azure Virtual Desktop? This blog shows how you can use it to protect digital assets from illicit copying including screen capture. Read and learn.Read More
The Forrester Wave: CRM Suites, Q3 2022
In a 31-criterion evaluation of CRM suites providers, Forrester identified the top 9. And we’re thrilled while not surprised that @Microsoft is ranked a leader. Get this summary of the report to see how the providers measure up 📏 and help you choose the right vendor. Tell us if you’d like to run your options by one of our CRM experts.Read More